July 25, 2002
Fredrik Norman

It's a really small world out there... I was browsing a couple of Norwegian weblogs when I came across Fredrik's blog. I had seen it before, but today I posted a comment on his site. He promptly emailed me back, having recognized my name.

It appears we had been in touch in the earlier days of the 'net: I used to be pretty actively playing with this new web-thing, and, among other thing I was the first webmaster of CISV Norway. Fredrik was also a CISVer, and at the time, he asked me a couple of questions related to building HTML pages and I showed him the ropes and so on and so on... Today he's out there doing webdesign himself.

Just a little blurb, but it truly is a small world after all...

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Hello,what ever happene d to fredrik?,he closed his b l og .

Posted by: teo halsema on February 11, 2005 01:22 AM
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