After the much-read article on how I chose to optimize my archiving strategies in MT, I thought I'd document more tips, tweaks and tricks for website owners and Movable Type users in particular to enchance the user experience alongside with providing you the best "Googlejuice".
First of all: Accessibility. There's a long list of nice tips in the series of articles called "30 days to a moce accessible weblog" (by Mark). You definitely want to check it out. I'm not going to cover all those topics here, as our main focus for now will be users using the most common browsers plus increasing search engine availablity.
Some of the tips are already implemented in MT by default - doubleckeck your templates for these:
Other MT modifications for better search engine indexing: You definitely definitely want to use real headers. Change from <font size...> to <H1>, <H2> etc... You can make the headers look exactly like you want using CSS style sheets anyway :-)
Niceties: you can add "Tooltips" to links and acronyms. The content of this should be searched by search engines.
Finally: The ultimate tip for getting hits from search engines: Make good content that people want to link to. It's as easy as that. Following all the the tips above plus optimizing your archive strategies are only going to get you to a certain point... If you're not writing interesting things, why should people bother visiting your pages anyway?
There are more tips available here:
Additions? Comments? Write me a comment. I may publish more of those articles later on. I'm also experimenting with the MT TrackBack. Experiences will follow... If you are an MT-user writing about this article, please "Trackback" :-)
shit shot shit, get a life
Posted by: de on May 8, 2003 05:03 AMIf you're not writing interesting things, why should people bother visiting your pages anyway?
Sure,it makes lot of sense to have meaning full content.
Posted by: Internet Intelligence on September 1, 2003 09:00 AMThanks for the article, I also have installed Movable-Type in my weblog.
Posted by: Marius on November 4, 2003 09:09 AMHey, I noticed you suggested the javascript referrer code, which I got working as well. However, I notice the code strips the referral keywords from Google, Yahoo, etc. So I have no real idea what people searched on to reach my blog.
I noticed you modified yours since your referrals are displaying the keywords. I'm no Perl expert. Any chance you can post your modded referral code for downloading or email it to me?
Posted by: Tom Keating on April 23, 2005 04:58 AM
Anders Jacobsen [ photography] |