August 29, 2002
Usability of registration forms online

I've taken a recent interest in usability and accessibility, and James over at Column Two just brought an intersting article to my attention: A Usability Test of Web-based User Assistance, where tries to practice what they preach: Usability of Online Help. Absolutely readworthy material for anyone setting up a website involving (complex) user registration forms/processes.

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I once worked on the usability side of an online bank, where many, many forms were involved. I would agree with these points about usability.
-- mh

Posted by: Michael Heraghty on September 22, 2003 06:51 PM
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andersja's blog: Man vs Machine in website registration forms (December 12, 2002 02:23 PM)
"A topic related to registrations is avoiding machine-automated registrations (preventing spammers from registering thousands of ''garbage'' and hotmail accounts, for example)."
Anders Jacobsen's blog: Friendster? (July 17, 2003 08:38 PM)
"According to Wired, Friendster is the hottest thing online since weblogs and sliced bread. If someone makes a similar service that on top of having all the features even is accesible and usable; I'd consider it."

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