September 16, 2002
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery...

I like writing articles and other content for my weblog, and I like tinkering with design - visually and technically. Now, wangjianshuo has copied my CSS stylesheet and also other MT config elements very closely, and I'm not entirely sure if I'm comfortable with it.

Other people occationally nab links without linking back... not exactly weblog etiquette, but something we'll have to live with...?

Some people have copied my RSS Subscriptions XSLT syle-sheet before, but I kind of gave that one away by publicizing how I'd done it; right? ;-) ... and for the record I don't mind at all as long as people link back and write where they got their inspiration from... :-)

I'm happy to provide inspiration for a growing number of readers, all I ask is: please just link back whenever you pick stuff up... (The One True b!X addresses chains of citations over at the Spartaneity Project)

Key morale of the day: Credit where credit is due...

Thanks for listening </end rant> :-)

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Hi andersja,

This is Jian Shuo Wang, the “copier” you mentioned in your blog.

== Firstly, I apologize ==

First of all, I have to admit that I have used your CSS completely and I added category link function as you did on your site. I sincerely apologize for it since it has made your feel uncomfortable.

== But the true is, I did link back ==

You may misunderstand me on linking-back. The truth is, I did link back.

On my first blog at, at the end, in the Acknowledge section, I wrote:

"I also want to thank andersja, the owner of anderrsja's blog. His site on weblog are very well done. I learnt a lot on categories and the pertential usage of MovableType from his site."

Certainly I swear I did it on the day of Sept 11 instead of adding it after you got angry. Geo, my friend at can also confirm it, since he also commented after my blog.

In the acknowledgement part, I mentioned the categories function on your web site. It inspired me a lot and I decided to make my own category links. I finally completed the function on the day before yesterday with the help with MovableType document on

I noticed you may have read this article since you wrote comment for this blog on the same day -- Sept 11, 2002 09:48 PM:

"Thanks for your feedback and congratulations with getting Movable Type running on XP - very cool (I haven't seen it done before :-)

Happy blogging!

Posted by: andersja on September 11, 2002 09:48 PM”

Maybe you didn't notice I linked you back on my first blog.

== More evidence that I did link back ==

On my forth blog at, I started my paragraph with

"Inspired by andersja's Optimizing Movable Type (part 3) - get more readers , I sent my blog site to"

Posted by Jian Shuo Wang at September 14, 2002 09:31 PM | Categories: MovableType

As you can see, as a beginer of blogging (only 6 logs so far), I have read carefully on many of your articles on your site and was trying to follow your steps to setup a blog. This includes registering my blog on But after I did, I wrote in my blog to thank andersj for the great inspiration you gave me.

I wrote six blogs so far and two of them mentioned that I am inspired by your site. I didn't put you on a seperate link for your site on the right pane of my first page. The only reason is, I am running this blog for less than one week and there is too much things for me to improve. I am going to do so now.

== The facts ==

I have commented on your site on and received your quick reply. This is very helpful for me. Although I have been web developer for many years, it is the first time I setup blog and the first time to play with Perl and MT stuff (as I mentioned at the beginning of my first blog at ). I worked very hard to get some idea from other great site like yours. I was using MT's default CSS template. I just wanted to change the font to Verdana instead of the odd font. At that time, I copied your CSS and made very little modification and used it in my site.

== Anyway, I apologize ==

Again, I admit I did it. I should have mentioned somewhere on my blog, but I haven't yet. That is "not exactly weblog etiquette". I will go back to change it to the default one immediately if this made you uncomfortable.

Please be assured that I am not "fighting back" in this comment. I am still grateful for everything you did on your site, including sharing your setup experience of MT and your tips to optimizing MT. They inspired me a lot. That is the source of my first blog "MovableType Successfully Installed on Windows XP" and later, "Webcam Set Up, Broadcasting Shanghai". I will also continue to share how I created the site and how to make things work as you did. I agree with you weblog etiquette is very important and I am always trying my best to follow. Sometimes I may make mistakes and I will be fully responsible for that.

Please do not hesitate to let me know if any of my content or behavior makes you think I do not respect other people on the net. I'd like to hear and like to improve.

Best wishes
Jian Shuo Wang
The Copier

Posted by: Jian Shuo Wang on September 16, 2002 05:27 PM

Don't worry - I'm not angry & all is forgiven :-)

I just want to encourage people to be creative in designing their site and not just copy everything because someone else has done something they like...

To copy from one = plagiarism
To copy from many = inspiration! ;-)

I also went around to get inspiration when designing my site, but I twisted and tweaked what I saw and found into something that I now consider my own :-)

Best regards from andersja

Posted by: andersja on September 16, 2002 05:46 PM

Some advice & places I've checked out for design inspiration when designing my pages: inspired

CSS tips and tricks from a lot of places including

... and many more. Feel free to add more places people can go for blog-design-inspiration by writing a comment below...

Posted by: andersja on September 16, 2002 05:53 PM

Hi Anders,

I just returned from the Tibetan area and took a lot of pictures. I believe they are the most beautiful scene I have ever seen in my whole life. I cannot help sharing with you. Here is the link:

Blogs about the trip:

Enjoy the uncomparable pictures in Daocheng, China.

Jian Shuo
P.S. I wanted to find a place to post this message. After read lot of logs, I found maybe following this thread is the most appropriete one.

Posted by: Jian Shuo Wang on October 15, 2002 05:57 AM
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