October 11, 2002
Wired goes Accessible AND Usable

When discussing usability and accessibility with clients, I've encountered the following argument many times: "Why should we do it if noone else does it?" Of course, there are many good arguments for making accessible and usable webpages, and now there is another "credential":

Wired News has changed it's look and feel for the first time in two years: Wired News: A Site for Your Eyes:

By converting to the hybrid markup language XHTML (extensible hypertext markup language) and adopting Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Wired News is now faster to load and can be read by practically every version of every Web browser. It can be displayed on a wider range of browser platforms, including mobile phones, PDAs and televisions. It's more accessible to the visually impaired, and may be updated on any or all of its thousands of pages quickly, with a simple list of commands.

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Now if only Wired news were legible to SIGHTED people. Such awful taste at the fore of 'wired style'

Big ups to them for actually going accessible. I mean, my site looks good in lynx/links/elinks, and that makes me happy. The more sites like this, and the sooner we'll all be able to strip out the CSS and apply our own styles univesally. Content will finally be the focus.

(and remember my friggin info, Chimera!)

Posted by: lowmagnet on October 22, 2002 03:52 AM

Awesome site, I really enjoyed it.

Posted by: Buy Zyban Guy on April 2, 2003 09:06 AM
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mini-d: Wired rediseña todo su sitio a XHTML y CSS (October 11, 2002 04:42 PM)
"Sip, increíble pero un digno ejemplo, lo mejor de todo es que explican el por qué, la noticia ya empieza"

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