February 03, 2003
Posting routine

Every time I post a blog entry, a referrer or three from movabletype.org pops up. It makes me suspect that sometimes, other people like to do what I have begun to do: after posting; I like to go to the MT homepage and browse the other blogs that just posted, just to add some "random seeds" in my reading. Sometimes there are treasure troves to be found, sometimes completely new blogs, sometimes people writing about stuff I didn't even know interested me. I like. Support Movable Type development if you use it. Donate. You blog will show up on the list on the MT frontpage too.

Right now, the following blogs were on the front page (and a couple of them got a visit from myself :-)

the RANT:, Fresh, Hot Wastes of Time, Cranky Chick, Rat-Bag, Tom, Back to Iraq 2.0, blatherblog, [places for writers], Airbag, Population: One, always write, Legends of the Sun Pig, Unix Gal, The Safety Valve...

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Hah. I came here by that very means. I do it from time to time because new blogs show up all the time. Other indexes are overwhelming. I'm going to donate once I pay my school fees...MT certainly deserves a little something from everyone...an amazing ship they're running over there.

Posted by: lee on February 3, 2003 01:05 AM

Ho; that point was proven quite quickly ;-) ... Cool!

Posted by: andersja on February 3, 2003 01:09 AM

Hi! Actually, I don't visit the MT site to see if my link showed up. My guess would be it's their "spider" (for lack of a better term) coming out to check on our sites.

Thanks for visiting my site. I'm off to check out yours.

I love MT. What a great product!

Posted by: Lisa, Gal of Unix on February 3, 2003 04:36 AM

Lisa, MT shows the 20 or so most recently updated URLs of MT donors (when you add the key in your MT config, moveabletype.org will get a "ping" telling it that your site has been updated. Neat, eh?) :-)

Posted by: andersja on February 3, 2003 12:28 PM

Yup, I know that. :) I sent them money too. But in response to "after posting; I like to go to the MT homepage and browse the other blogs that just posted" - I don't do this.

Ahh, maybe you're saying that while I don't do this, that someone on the MT site sees that I just posted and wanders over right away? I have the same thing happen after I ping weblogs.com too.

Ok, I can see that then. :)

Posted by: Lisa, Gal of Unix on February 3, 2003 02:50 PM

I love the ping features and often not only check the pinging, but also do the 'random seed' thang.

But I found your blog by typing 'moveable type macintosh' in google 'cause I'm trying to find out how to get the bold/italic/url buttons to work while editing.

keep up the good work.

-- joshua

Posted by: Joshua on February 7, 2003 04:06 PM

http://www.monsitexxx.com/fetiche/astromag/celebrities/search/barefoot.html backfearsoftening

Posted by: rammed on January 22, 2006 01:51 AM
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esigler.2nw.net/blog: blog.random("links"); (February 4, 2003 06:55 AM)
""Monday is not a unique and beautiful snowflake." Andersja: "I like to go to the MT homepage and browse the other blogs that just posted, just to add some "random seeds" in my reading". I agree. It's the same reason I used to go to LJ's homepage and hi..."
[ S K A I H I G H ]: Linking and blogrolls (March 14, 2003 10:16 AM)
"Jottings has written a piece in English, so i will try to answer her question in the same thounge. The"

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