April 01, 2003
Playing with "Blogshares"

Where Movable Type made blogging as easy as jotting down stuff on a paper; "Blogshares" is the Next New Thing (tm) in the Blog-o-sphere (tm), making blogging into a game of play money and p/e-ratios :-) Cool idea.

I have no idea how my blog became so "valuable" all of a sudden, but I'm going to register and have a play too, just for a laugh... ;-)

Listed on BlogShares

(via Martin).

Note how many blogs' values are not anywhere near their Google PageRanks -- "investment opportunities"? ;-)

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I now own 100 shares of your site! However, since I'm now a shareholder, I get to vote on what you post about. Muahaha ;)

My site hasn't gone public yet, haven't hit the 1000$ mark :( I guess I need to pimp and preen for more linkage. ;)

Posted by: sam on April 1, 2003 09:42 PM
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andersja's blog: "Paying" ""shareholders"" back (April 3, 2003 12:29 PM)
"Metapost on blogshare-players..."
retrogra.de: Börsenfieber (April 4, 2003 03:46 PM)
"Nachdem ich jetzt schon auf einigen Blogs davon gelesen habe, hab ich mich jetzt auch bei Blogshares angemeldet. Wenn ich"
andedammen: Kjøp, kjøp! Selg, selg! (April 6, 2003 08:33 PM)
"Også jeg som aldri har interessert meg det døyt for aksjemarkedet. Men da jeg leste om Blogshares hos Andersja, måtte"

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