April 22, 2003
UpMyStreet.co.uk for sale

Gotzeblogged alerted me to the fact that UpMyStreet.co.uk is for sale: UpMyStreet needs a buyer

Creator and CTO Stefan Magdalinski says: "Buy my baby, please" and received a lot of support from the weblog community.

I'm already a declared fan of location-aware services, and UpMyStreet is another great example (although not particularly mobile (yet)) of a service that gives (UK only) users information about e.g. their nearest supermarkets, nearest doctor etc based only on their zipcode... This is possible because the UK postal code system is exceptionally fine-grained, and hence can provide enough information to pinpoint more or less a single building or three; whereas for example a US zipcode covers up to 100 000 households. Cool, eh?

John Gøtze also mentioned more geographically-aware services in his post. Worth a look.

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