Haiko Hebig introduced me to Randy's SharpMT today. This might be the solution I've been looking for to write blog entries when on for example planes etc...
This post was meant to be my first post using SharpMT. The setup was pretty smooth; you just need to enter your MT-URL, your username and password, and the program does the rest; retrieving blog list and categories etc. There are some issues, like when adding a URL using the URL-button you cannot do text-selection on it, but have to use arrows and delete to change it. If you have a similar URL already cached, it won't let you remove portions of it to create another. Also, I'm not sure how it timestamps the entries etc. The idea is definitely good, but when I tried to post my entry, SharpMT just got stuck for almost 10 minutes, the progress-bar dancing away, but no post showing... It might be because I'm using MT 2.21, it might be because my webserver is running Apache (and Randy's a big IIS fan); I will have to wait for the next beta to find out :-)
Try Zempt, the MT editor that Bill Zeller and I are developing. It's an early beta right now, but basic posting works fine.
Posted by: Adam Kalsey on May 2, 2003 04:10 AMThanks, Adam. Downloaded it now, and will test it shortly :-)
Posted by: Anders on May 2, 2003 11:02 AMok i downloaded zempt but i dont understand the xml rpc thing. i entered my site but it said i had to enter it because they couldnt find it or something. email me if you have any suggestions. thanks
Posted by: Ellie on February 26, 2004 09:01 PM
Anders Jacobsen [extrospection.com photography] |