May 07, 2003
Yesterday's Tomorrows
Yesterday's Tomorrows cover (from

Inspired by Eirik's recommendation, I've added "Yesterday's tomorrows" to my shopping basket, and will also checkout the website.

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I have a similar (but cheaper and older) book... it's quite cool. A while back I wondered if there was a word that refered to a view of the future from the past...

Posted by: Ryan on May 7, 2003 03:23 PM

Oops -- the link didn't come through in the previous comment:

Posted by: Ryan on May 7, 2003 03:23 PM
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E-Business Weblog/Newsfeed: Die Zukunft aus Sicht der Vergangenheit (May 7, 2003 07:02 PM)
"Ryan in einem Kommentar in Anders Jacobsens Blog: "A while back I wondered if there was a word that refered..."
primer: The Future... yesterday. (May 9, 2003 07:23 PM)
"My future was to be monorails in tubes, moon colonies, and Western Electric video-phone booths. I'd enjoy Soylent Green Space Food Sticks for breakfast. "The future is just like today, 'cept different... " At least that's how I start out every time my ..."

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