In an upcoming InfoWorld article, which will post next Friday and appear in print the following week, I review the SpamBayes filtering engine and Mark Hammond's brilliant Outlook addin. Thanks to this remarkable open source duo, I am ready to declare victory on spam.[...]I am so going to test this out when I in the near future have to move from Lotus Notes to Outlook at work. Collaborative tools like Cloudmark and rule-based systems like SpamAssassin can only go so far. Bayesian filtering is the future.It's hard, at first, to see how SpamBayes can possibly work. When you look at a message from SpamBayes' point of view, you see a different and far more granular approach than SpamAssassin's, which reports things like:
PENIS_ENLARGE (2.2 points) BODY: Information on getting a larger penis
SUB_FREE_OFFER (0.3 points) Subject starts with "Free"
US_DOLLARS (2.0 points) BODY: Nigerian scam key phrase (million dollars)SpamBayes doesn't know any of these rules. It just knows what I want to see, and what I don't want to see. It knows because I show it a bunch of positive and negative examples up front, and then refine its understanding of my wishes continuously as I process my (surprisingly few) MaybeSpam messages.
I hope that SpamBayes worked for you. I wanted to let you know that my company decided to make a consumer-friendly version of the software that it easy to install and use. You can find it at I hope that you will try that and give me some feedback.
Posted by: L Strassman on July 21, 2003 12:09 AMShortly after giving up on the SAProxy anti-spam tool the other week, I found an alternative tool that is doing the job very nicely: SpamBayes. (Big, big tha...
Anders Jacobsen [ photography] |