June 12, 2003
Anders. Itinerant.

I have three weeks off toward the end of August - beginning of September. I've got many ideas, but I'm sort of boiling down the essence now, as I realize I need to get my butt moving and book flights if I'm going anywhere at all.

My current plan involves a lot of flying, and hopefully a bit of diving (I'd like to get a PADI license at some point...). Star Alliance RTW (Round The World) tickets are about 1500 pound + tax and allow some 34000 miles of flying and loads of stopovers.

Places I'd like to see (and I'm open for feedback here - suggest something in the comments below and I might just go there!! :-)

  • Lisbon
  • Somewhere on US east coast (have been to NY twice, maybe Boston?)
  • Mexico, LA or San Francisco
  • Some island in the Pacific (maybe Tahiti or Cook Islands? -- benefit is that Air NZ flies via those from LA to Auckland, and there are diving lessons there)
  • New Zealand, maybe? (why not, if I fly Air NZ anyway ;-)
  • Tokyo (Air NZ has direct flight) or Hong Kong (cheap electronics if SARS takes a break)
  • a weekend in Norway
  • ... back to work in London or Nice...
Not sure if I'll actually go through with it, but it's certainly tempting...

Possible routing:


Although I don't have a Star Alliance gold card anymore, it seems like upgrades can be purchased on SAS operated routes for some of my points... Business class on SAS-operated Tokyo-Copenhagen should be a goodie, for example...

Hmmmm... decisions decisions....

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Dear Anders,
You will be seriously exhausted.

Posted by: sunshine on June 12, 2003 09:36 PM


I agree with sunshine -- I'd choose to spend a week in a place (at least) then move on. but maybe you love to be in a plane or jetlagged?

Posted by: Anita Rowland on June 12, 2003 11:01 PM

Best of luck with your project!

If the itenerary is still at all maleable, my one recommendation is to think about working in some bit of Italy, perhaps Tuscany.

I travelled Europe in the early 90's... I was struck by the way the Italians seemed to "have the ball" (i.e., seemed to have genuine energy and ideas, and a sense of who they are and where they want to go next, more than other European countries... I'm sure I've just offended 90% of the EU; oh well, sorry; I just mean I was impressed by Italy and the Italians). I would be interested to here a bit of clueful reporting on the state of things in Italy today. Especially from someone in a position to put it in the context of a grand tour like the one you propose.

And, I agree with sunshine and Anita... fewer stops with more time to catch your breath, get your bearings, and smell the roses (is that enough cliches for you?) is all to the good.

Posted by: Brad Gadberry on June 13, 2003 12:54 AM

Great idea, Anders!!!

You are finally planning to go around the world! If you do make it to Japan & I hope you will, I'd love to see you (except, I am expecting a few major changes in my life in the next couple of months so I am not sure if I'll be in Tokyo) but I will find out about the real Teppanyaki place! Just be prepared for a really hot summer!!!
I do recommend that you visit Kyoto... (& other places too but I don't know if you have the time?!?)
Well, when you know your plans, let me know.


Posted by: Ikuko Shimada on June 13, 2003 06:41 PM
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"I've spoken with several people about my RTW (Round The World) itinerary, and have made adjustments to where I think I will be going. Still not finalized yet, though..."

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