Just out of curiousity, are there any readers out there that are reasonably frequent travellers (consider yourself a frequent traveller if for example flying enough to pick up an airline gold/platinum card or two, possibly some hotel frequent guest programmes).
When travelling (frequently or not so frequently) do you write about your experiences (in a weblog, a discussion forum or similar?) before/during/after your trip(s)?
I happen to fly a lot myself, and have started looking for things to write about when I travel, and would like to find a couple of like-minded travellers for an experiment...
I am in. I collect Frequent Blogging Miles.
Posted by: Heiko Hebig on July 10, 2003 05:56 PMI travel every other week but in general don't really write about it unless I go someplace new - since I usually just go from Minneapolis to Chicago it can be quite boring. Of course if I was being encouraged to write about it I might find myself doing more interesting things! I'm in for whatever you are hoping to do.
Posted by: john on July 10, 2003 06:17 PMIf someone would like to sponsor me[1], I would be glad to blog about my travels!
As far as the blogging before/after/during thing. I usually do brief "hey, i'm at so-and-so, about to go see such-and-such" while there, and then when I'm back I write a big summary and post lots of photos.
[1] http://www.hebig.org/blogs/archives/main/001077.php
Posted by: eliot on July 10, 2003 11:17 PMHi Anders, just found your site via geourl, seems we are neighbours. I travel quite frequently for business and pleasure but don't write about it specifically unless something interesting happens. What is your experiment?
Posted by: Playdreamer on July 29, 2003 01:31 PM
Anders Jacobsen [extrospection.com photography] |