My new photo weblog is now online. It still needs a bit of work with the look and feel, but it's a start, and the content - the photograhpy - is more important to me than the individual fonts and pixels at this stage...
Thanks to the websites that have given me some inspiration, I can only aspire to take as good photos as these guys...
With my still new EOS 10D in hand and a swanky domain name, here I go to try to learn along the way! (Feedback from other photo-interested people is always most welcome!)
I have resorted to begging and stealing to save up enough money to buy myself a Canon 10D after seeing your cool photo-blog.
There is just one thing I miss in that blog: Descriptions of how you took the pictures. I know that is something I will start enter into my own blog. I'd especially love to know the spesificts of the London Millenium bridge photo :-)
Posted by: Jarle on September 19, 2003 04:51 PMImpressive!
House of parliament looks magnificent...
But what's the global sense of old chinese windmill man? :)
Posted by: Rooneg on February 17, 2004 08:40 PM
Anders Jacobsen [ photography] |