October 02, 2003
Behold! The MMS Killer App is here!
"Now, shoppers can take out their Nokia 3650 camera phone at Barnes & Noble, Border's, or just about any other book store, and just take a picture of the ISBN on the book to comparison shop at Amazon.com right on the screen of their wireless Web browser".

This. Changes. Everything.

Multimedia Messaging - MMS - up to now a toy for sending fun pictures taken at the mobile phone from the pub to the phones of friends not yet at the pub (and occationally mobile photoblogging) is now turning your mobile phone into a powerful consumer device. Character/bar-code recognition of books is a brilliant idea, and don't think this will stop here. Take a picture of anything - anything you want to buy will be available on some website out there - possibly at a better price. I'd like to know, and I'll definitely sign up for this when (not if) it comes to Europe.

(found via picturephoning via Heiko)

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The only problem with books (in Germany) is that all German books are sold at the same price throughout Germany. So there would be nothing to compare with. But of course, as you say, it does not or should not stop with books...

Posted by: Heiko Hebig on October 2, 2003 12:35 PM

However, it does not mean that customers in Germany may want to look for the same book but at a used-book price, which Amazon has been doing insofar.

Posted by: on October 12, 2003 05:45 PM

too much!

Posted by: Pool on January 25, 2004 03:33 AM
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Das E-Business Weblog: Preisvergleich via MMS (October 4, 2003 04:11 PM)
"Anders Jacobsen bloggt begeistert über eine interessante MMS-Anwendung: Mit einem Fotohandy wird der Barcode eines Buchs aufgenommen, per MMS an einen Dienst gesendet und zurück kommt der Preis des Buches..."
Punkey: MMS Killer App? (October 5, 2003 02:18 PM)
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