October 02, 2003
Why I am not buying Lene Marlin's new CD

I'm old-fashioned. I'm the kind of guy that, despite being "online" in all sorts of ways, is still buying those good old CDs. And I buy a lot of them. I've got hundreds neatly stacked in racks, shelves and other storage contraptions. If I like an artist, I tend to buy the back catalogue as well as new releases. It's more expensive than kazaa'ing MP3s, but I like my CDs.

Lene Marlin, Norwegian singer-songwriter of reasonable international fame, has released her new album in Norway (and probably soon coming to a country near you). Unfortunately, this album is not available in the CD format, only in a CD-like, copy-protected format, which means that I won't be able to copy it to MiniDisc and hence not able to listen to it on my portable MD-player (something which I, in Norway at least, would be completely entitled to do - even the copying of CDs is allowed as long as it is for personal use).

Too sad, Big Record Company, I would have bought one if what you sold was compliant with the CD Audio specifications (and hence playable everywhere I want to play it)...

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I totally agree with you Anders. On cd-players you usually have both analoge outputs and digital SPDIF outputs. Does the copyprotection on these mutant CD-like plastic things do somehting with this digital output? Shouldn't you be able to record a digital copy from en external cdplayer to your computer via SPDIF? Have never tried or seen any of this "cd's" so I am just wondering.

Posted by: christian on October 2, 2003 10:09 AM

Funny thing, but I'd arrived at the same resolve (i.e. not to buy from a vendor because of their unacceptable practices) after buying the DVD "Solaris", issued by 20th-Century Fox.

Their stunt of preceding the film with 10 minutes of worthless advertising for their other substandard offers, and then *disabling the DVD machine's controls* to make you watch it EVERY TIME, drove me mad.

I am entitled to make a "fair use" copy. The copying process enables me to copy the bits I want, and leave out the bits I don't. The hardware and software to achieve this is ridiculously cheap.

So I got it and can watch my film in peace.

Interesting corollary: The population of people with the means (but not the intent, of course) to copy any DVD has increased by one.

Can't help feeling that isn't an outcome 20th-Century Pox intended... and any enterprise that enrages its customers really needs to reinspect its business model.

Posted by: Richard on October 3, 2003 02:31 PM

Richard; I completely agree with you - especially your statement about revisiting their business model!

(and thanks for the warning about "Solaris" - I meant to buy that DVD - now I won't, knowing about the junk-trailers -- great tactics, 20th Century Fox!)

Posted by: Anders on October 3, 2003 02:57 PM

Lene Marlin - TV- og annen reklame beskriver henne som den største pop-sager / kvinnelige artist i / fra Norge idag.

Kan noe av hennes manglende appell blant det kjøpende publikum i ALLE andre være at hun markedsfæres som 'The very best' - the most outstanding female singer etc.
Jeg stiller spørsmålet her på bloggen - selv om jeg vet svaret.
MAKAN til manglende magamål fra hennes 'selgende markedsførere - som hun vel(?) har godkjent teksten til - i markedsførings-spot'ene(!) - (?).
Etter MIN mening mangler det flere megatonn av bit&bytes før denne Lene M kan så mye som sette foten sin opp det 2. trinnet i en 10-trinns stige for å komme på nivå med f.ex Wenche Myhre og en god del andre - som fortsatt har både både sjel og musikalitet og stemme, artisteri OG ... OG 'attraction' å by på.

>Lene Marlin< = a fading star after so few years... in somewhat called 'focus'

Posted by: Ola-v on June 21, 2005 10:48 AM

Guess its no hidden secret (at least not intentionally by me) that i being a norwegian feel abit sorry for that up-hoisted girl LeneM. Sure she can sing and even with some hands-on write, but it remains to be repeated that when her agents and half-senseless publishers have the rather freaky phrasing of telling on all TV and street posters that 'she' is the greatest fem singer from Norway etc - then i sure need a closeby safe place in case i might feel so sick that i might vomm-it. Sorry for eventual bad spelling - nobody is perfect - nor am i.

IF those helping hands exhausting their brains in her promo agencies are unable to pop up with any better, then they sure are helping Lene Marlin to fade away - fast - like all other extreeeeme start being 'popped up'.
Popcorn are popped and eaten - who remember the popcorn they ate last week or y-day? I don't - if nothing real pro&special gave me any special memories. Sorry to say it this way, but thats my opinion(a) - and being a Norw guy i sure hope my 'bad feelings' will never come true.
Keep singing but while writing, please 'write out' your present promotext editors. It that way you MAY succed - which i hope you will ,-)

Posted by: Ola-v on June 21, 2005 06:48 PM

Guess its no hidden secret (at least not intentionally by me) that i being a norwegian feel abit sorry for that up-hoisted girl LeneM. Sure she can sing and even with some hands-on write, but it remains to be repeated that when her agents and half-senseless publishers have the rather freaky phrasing of telling on all TV and street posters that 'she' is the greatest fem singer from Norway etc - then i sure need a closeby safe place in case i might feel so sick that i might vomm-it. Sorry for eventual bad spelling - nobody is perfect - nor am i.

IF those helping hands exhausting their brains in her promo agencies are unable to pop up with any better, then they sure are helping Lene Marlin to fade away - fast - like all other extreeeeme stars being 'popped up' by fancy people. Rememeber guys&girls in your agencies:
Popcorn are popped and eaten - who remember the popcorn they ate last week or y-day? I don't - if nothing real pro&special gives me any special artistic memories. Sorry to say it this way, but thats my opinion(s) - and being a Norw guy i sure hope my 'bad feelings' will never come true.
Keep singing, LeneM, but while writing your texts, please consider 'writing out' your present promotext editors. In that way you MAY just succed and be remembered- as i hope you will be, -) Step in it, Wilma!

Posted by: Ola-v on June 21, 2005 06:57 PM
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