September 20, 2004
U-MYX - mix the music yourself

A big item in tonight's UK Channel 4 news boradcast was the release of MUSE's new single with "U-MYX" mixing software, a "world first", allowing the customer to remix the music themselves, creating personal permutations that can be exported and shared, even on iPods. The news show then donated generous free publicity including interviews with the inventor, demos etc.

I have, however, somewhere at the back of my mind a lingering thought that I've seen this or a similar customer-remix-thing before somewhere. I just can't remember where - does it ring a bell for you? Prior art? Give a shout in the comments...

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You are right,
TrustMedia ( ) has already done something close with Prodigy ( ) or Airlock ( ).

The differences are:

- With U-Mix, you need the CD.
- TrustMedia concept is fully online.

- With U-Mix, the user mixes the track.
- With TrustMedia, the artist defines different combinable possibilities and let the user choose which one he prefers on a designed interface. The generation of the track is done on a server with professional equipment and send as an online package with a unique artwork.

BTW I’m founder of TrustMedia.

Posted by: Marcan on September 23, 2004 01:27 AM

Bit late, but "Free All Angels" by Ash had a video mixer on the ECD.

Posted by: Jonny on January 12, 2005 11:31 PM

placebo done it before

Posted by: on April 23, 2005 12:32 PM

i have to beg your pardon sir, i just copied the .exe file and the .myx file onto my hard drive, so therefore the original cd isn't required to be in your computer and you can export to real .wav files as well as the myx file.

Posted by: russell fretz on August 15, 2005 10:19 PM

ei!!!this groupis led by the CCCians namely:
(OL.Of manaoag)


Posted by: loie on September 1, 2005 09:55 AM

To answer your question where you saw mixing software before check out they are working with Aerosmith,David Banner, Billy Joel,etc.

Posted by: sean on October 24, 2005 07:58 PM

i tried to upload my own u-myx but i cant find it anywherwe wen i have uploaded it can you help me out ???

Posted by: rachel on January 18, 2006 10:52 PM
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I Love Music: Please explain Muse to me (September 22, 2004 05:16 PM)
"Mogwai did the U-Myx thing already? Well then, I've been had! Anyhow, here's a wee snippet about it."

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