In the category of sheer genius contributions to the fight against spam, let me point you in the direction of Brad Choate's newest plugin for the Movable Type content management system: mt-dsbl
mt-dsbl will look up a commenter's IP address to see if it's on a list of known open proxies (mostly used by email spammers, but recently by blog comment-spammers as well). If matched, the poster will not be able to post comments.
I've seen such a mechanism over at TypePad for a while; cool to see it available for personal blog installations as well. A similar solution for WordPress users can be found here (and even more funky MT Blacklist-like goodness for wordpress here)).
I was a little hesitant to trusting yet another IP address blacklist, but from the DSBL FAQ, it looks like they're relying on authenticated testers etc, so it might be worth a shot. Anything to kill all that comment spam...
(via paulm)
Cool, thanks, I just added it to my blog. Hopefully it will help out a lot.
Posted by: eliot on November 11, 2004 03:47 AM24 hrs later: So far no comments refused based on the IP address filter, while MT Blacklist took a couple of hundred spams overnight. I'll need to find an open proxy to do some testing, methinks.
Posted by: andersja on November 11, 2004 04:40 PM
Anders Jacobsen [ photography] |