January 17, 2005
14 days, 196 bloggers, US$ 656

After a quick deduplication, the final participant count in the blogger charity challenge after 14 days is 196.

I round up and will donate US$ 200 to British Red Cross as promised.
Eliot will chip in similarly, as will my employer and the UK government will chip in 56 US$ as described here.

Thank yous to everyone participating. The remaining US$ 300 I had initially challenged will roll over to a future charity challenge.

Watch this space... :-)

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Awesome! What a great response. Thanks for starting this, Anders. I'll be posting a note on my blog shortly.

Posted by: eliot on January 17, 2005 04:12 AM

Great responses!! I've posted the result on my blog. Thank you.

Posted by: Ayu & Volker on January 22, 2005 11:35 PM

Damn that response looks cool.
Many thanks.

Posted by: Sylvia Anderson on January 25, 2005 12:06 PM
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eliot: Aid for the Need (January 17, 2005 04:35 AM)
"Thanks to all who posted Anders' list of tsunami charity links. Today was the final day for the drive and Anders has calculated that 196 bloggers posted the list. So for every one of those posts, Anders is donating $1 and I am matching his donation. He..."

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