Following up after the London bombings last week, the media are picking up a good advice from an experienced paramedic:
Mobile users are being urged to enter a number in their phone's memory under the heading ICE, standing for "in case of emergency".So; add your loved one and/or family members to your SIM card prefixed by 'ICE' to ensure they get the message if something *knock wood* should happen...Paramedics or police would quickly be able to find the number and use it to contact a relative or friend who could identify the victim and give vital information such as details of any medical conditions.
The idea has come from Bob Brotchie, a paramedic in the East Anglian ambulance service.
"I was reflecting on some difficult calls I have attended, where people were unable to speak to me through injury or illness and we were unable to ascertain who they were," he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.
"In trying to establish their identity, I discovered that many people obviously carry mobile phones, and we were using them to discover who they were.
"It occurred to me that if we had a uniform approach to searching inside a mobile phone for an emergency contact, that would make it easier for everyone."
On a Nokia phone, here's how:
Anders Jacobsen [ photography] |