I ran across zftpserver in a freeware listing earlier. It looks like a decent, powerful stab at a free ftp server for Windows. What it's sadly lacking, is support for sFTP (Secure FTP). Of course, wikipedia has a list of SFTP servers as well as a reasonably comprehensive list of SFTP clients:
Looks like freeFTPd is the tool of choice for Windows users wishing to selectively allow stfp access to their servers. I haven't had time to test it yet, but welcome any experiences people have to share: as always, write a comment below:
Just to let you know...
- I have implemented SSL/TLS support for secure FTP in zFTPServer and it is currently running in the unstable series :-)
... Just hang in there !
Posted by: Nicklas Bergfeldt on January 31, 2006 09:07 AM
Anders Jacobsen [extrospection.com photography] |