May 02, 2007
How to get Skype 1.4 on Ubuntu linux

With the (since retracted) announcement on the Skype Linux blog that Skype 1.4 for Linux is coming this Thursday, here is what you can do to get it installed on your Ubuntu PC as soon as it is released:

(for reference, a sneak preview with screenshots here)

  1. Add Skype's repository to your list of software repositories: (instructions how to add additional repositories in Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)). The Skype repository is
    deb stable non-free
  2. Refresh your list of repositories/applications (e.g. in Synaptic, hit 'Reload')
  3. Search for application Skype, which should now be available, and install.
If you install Skype today, you should automatically get notified of the upgrades when the come out. Alternatively refresh the repositories-lists in your favourite tool from time to time and look for updates.

More information: Ubuntu wiki: Skype, Linux repositories

Update: Skype 1.4 for Linux is now out in alpha version. This means it is not downloadable using the repository approach (but will be when it is considered stable). In the mean time, read the announcement here and follow the instructions here.

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