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December 16, 2004
Why is there an X in Christmas? (X-mas)
A seasonal and interesting etymology question: was the X a 'commercializing' thing to make Christmas more edible for non-Christians? Is the X really a cross? Neither, in fact; it appears that the X is really the first letter of the word Xtos, which in Greek is the word for Christ.
October 23, 2003
The usage of the word "fuck" is less taboo today
BBC: ''In research, 50% or more people said the words that should never be broadcast are cunt, motherfucker, nigger, Paki and spastic. Young women also don't like whore, slag and twat. But fuck wasn't on the list.''
September 17, 2003
Whereas introspection means self-examination and contemplation of one's own thoughts and feelings, extrospection leads the thoughts outwards. Simple and elegant, no? Expect more photos online in the near future.
June 08, 2003
Portugese lesson #1
Hoje fiz um amigo e coisa mais preciosa no mundo não há!
June 04, 2003
New English words
Words I've learned / heard / seen used the last weeks: nebulous, itinerant, colleen
September 04, 2002
Mixed reactions on my "niggardly"-posting
After I wrote the posting about the controversial word ''niggardly'' last night, I must admit I expected at least some mild flaming... So far, four people have voiced their opinions (and diverging they are as well :-)
September 03, 2002
American Political Correctness & the word "Niggardly"
I like to explore etymology. I've also been meaning to write something about American Political Over-correctness in my blog. Today I got the chance to combine the two... Introducing the word 'niggardly'.