www.jacobsen.no / anders / blog / Movable Type Archives

June 06, 2005

Google SiteMaps for Movable Type - now with correct Last Modified dates

The two other stabs at creating Sitemap templates for Movable Type don't take into account that you might want to assign different priorities and scan frequencies to your entries (as described here), as well as correcting 'Last Modified date' to include comment submissions. MORE...

January 25, 2005

Mass-scale open proxy blocking: MT Blacklist 3?

We all know it: straightforward IP banning does not stop comment spam. What DOES work to a certain extent, however, is locking out known spammers / open proxies, at least flagging comments from known sources of garbage as 'To Be Moderated'. [...] MORE...

January 19, 2005

Fighting back on comment spam: nofollow

Google, MSN, Yahoo, Movable Type and others have announced a common approach to try to kill comment spam: by applying a 'nofollow' tag to links, search engines will simply ignore them for the purposes of calculating rank and search engine results: [...] Genius! MORE...

November 10, 2004

Auto-blocking open proxies' access to Movable Type

In the category of sheer genius contributions to the fight against spam, let me point you in the direction of Brad Choate's newest plugin for the Movable Type content management system: mt-dsbl MORE...

September 17, 2004

We're now running MT 3.11

This site is now running Movable Type 3.11 with improved MT Blacklist protection, which means commenting is now opening again. MORE...

September 07, 2004

No commenting at the moment

My ISP has switched off commenting on my blog (effectively disabled mt-comments.cgi) allegedly because it was violating some policy (probably taking too long to execute time due to page rebuilds from file-based Berkeley DB or a long MT Blacklist). I will get it back online, but at the moment, commenting won't work. Apologies. MORE...

June 18, 2004

Commenting back online

The commenting issues this blog had earlier are now gone. If you have any problems with commenting now, please email / IM me. MORE...

June 14, 2004

Wonky commenting

Sorry, commenting has gone a bit wonky on my blogs for the time being due to my MT Blacklist going out of service. MORE...

February 23, 2004

MT request: The BIG, RED button

Here's a request to the MT team: a big, red button on the main page allowing a dump-all backup including authors, categories, entry-IDs, templates etc... MORE...

February 18, 2004

Modifying the Movable Type CSS

Kristen McQuillin at mediatinker.com has posted a really beautiful and easily understandable intro for people that want to modify their Movable Type templates. MORE...

February 11, 2004

Bandwidth saving tips for Movable Type sites

Especially applicable for photo-intensive websites like photoblogs; ISP imposed bandwidth limits are easily hit if each of your pages automatically loads and displays lots of images every time they're being displayed: [...] MORE...

January 21, 2004

Optimizing Movable Type - Keyword links

In theory, at least, this approach should enable searching for the keywords and still hitting the archived page despite the word not necessarily being written at (or conjugated in the same way) at the page itself. MORE...

January 14, 2004

Mobile blogging

A list of some pieces of software and some services that allow mobile phone blogging; additions most welcome! [...] MORE...

January 02, 2004

Blacklisting spammers

Funny screenshot of a blog-spammer caught red-handed... MORE...

August 07, 2003

Newbie FAQ 101 - How to make a blog

A quick list of the main blogging-tools for beginning bloggers. MORE...

July 07, 2003

Adding Google AdSense to your blog

Overall, adding Google-powered ads to a blog is a painless experience and hopefully not too disturbing for readers... Feedback welcome... MORE...

July 04, 2003

Experimenting with Google Adsense & Weblogs

I wouldn't mind adding some ads to, say, archived entries a month old or older... This way all the inbound hits from search engines could pay back a bit of their bandwith, while I'd continue to provide free fresh content to regular readers? MORE...

June 05, 2003

Adding a "Sideblog" in MT

I've added a "side blog", and following this brief tutorial; so can you... MORE...

May 26, 2003

Upgrade MT 2.21 -> 2.63 problems

I upgraded from MT 2.21 to 2.63 but have run into new problems. All advice appreciated... MORE...

May 21, 2003

MT Category problem

Tech problem: My entries lost their categories! MORE...

April 23, 2003

Wow: TypePad

The Trott family (creators of wildly popular Movable Type) have announced TypePad - taking on Blogger.com in the market for hosted weblogs. MORE...

October 30, 2002

Optimizing Movable Type (part 6) - Category XML feeds

Am I vain? I certainly took up ia/'s offer of syndication by creating XML feeds by category, and by sending my KM/IA-related RSS feed to them... MORE...

August 30, 2002

Optimizing Movable Type (part 5) - Meta tags

Just a quick hack for you MT users out there: many search engines display generated excerpts when you search for something. This template code snippet will give better descriptions if you use individual archives... MORE...

August 08, 2002

Optimizing Movable Type (part 3) - get more readers

When you've read the articles on archiving strategies and increasing the ''Googlejuice'' of your site, now is the time to attract new visitors to your site. MORE...

August 07, 2002

Optimizing Movable Type (part 2) - More "Googlejuice"

After the much-read article on how I chose to optimize my archiving strategies in MT, I thought I'd document more tips, tweaks and tricks for website owners and Movable Type... MORE...

August 06, 2002

My Movable Type installation

... or: Tips & tricks for new Movable Type users to get a future-proof and search engine optimized site up and running. MORE...

Calendar-archives in Movable Type

Mark has posted his recipe for creating full screen calendar-archives in Movable Type. I tried his approach and it worked beautifully (example: andersja - August 2002). Thanks Mark!... MORE...