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Skype Archives
May 02, 2007
How to get Skype 1.4 on Ubuntu linux
Skype 1.4 for Linux is expected this Thursday, here is what you can do to get it installed on your Ubuntu PC as soon as it is released.
July 06, 2006
The Hiatus
So I haven't posted anything here for >2 months. Apologies for the regular readers (and if you aren't you probably don't care...)
April 13, 2006
I'm giving away an Actiontec Internet Phone Wizard
Are you a skyper and a regular reader? Well - happy Easter to you: I've been given an Actiontec Internet Phone Wizard that I won't be using, so I thought I'd give it away to any friend / family / regular reader who can argue that they'll actually use it.
March 23, 2006
Skylook 1.5 review
[...] When completely idle, Outlook with Skylook caused my CPU curve to look like this: [...]
March 06, 2006
Hacker opens Skype's Intel DualCore-lock
People interested in hosting teleconferences with more than 5 participants using Skype were up to recently met with a message that an Intel DualCore processor was required: [...]
March 01, 2006
Sennheiser PC 165 headphones review
Most other headphone/mic combos I've had have been pretty lame, music-wise, but with this headset it's all bass and detail. I've tried Madonna and I've tried jazz and classical. Brilliant... You can talk to your buddies, too! :-D
January 20, 2006
SkypeWeb Beta official announcement
Following the little scoop the other day, the Skype website forums now have a SkypeWeb category as well as an announcement inviting people to join their beta.
January 18, 2006
SkypeWeb beta
Skype is testing SkypeWeb - their new web presence service where you can add an image to your website that will change depending on your status (available/away/etc).
January 05, 2006
How to use the Playstation EyeToy on Windows
Need a cheapo webcam? Head to amazon.co.uk today and pick up the 'Eye Toy: Play 2 with Camera Platinum (PS2)' for £19.99 (free shipping!) and then you can even resell the game on ebay for a tenner...
VoipStunt - initial test report
The sound quality is impeccable. I've actually had more success making calls using voipstunt than using SkypeOut.
Wifi phones are getting interesting
The United Kingdom has unveiled plans for citywide Wi-Fi networks that will give residents in nine cities high-speed wireless Internet access from laptops, PDAs and mobile phones.
January 03, 2006
Sharing photos with Skype
This plugin allows you to display photos to people you're talking to. Simple. Good idea.
January 02, 2006
VoipStunt - more FREE calls!
Another Skype UI clone, seemingly from the same people behind VoipBuster, VoipSTUNT offers completely free calls to any regular landline in the following countries - no initial credit required: [...]
December 07, 2005
Want to see the latest episodes of 'LOST' as they are aired in the US?
I just ran across SplitCam - a freeware virtual video driver letting you change video source on the fly: want to talk webcam-to-webcam but share a little piece of live TV on the fly? Change your virtual camera source & play away. Cool idea. (Have seen paid-for solutions in the past but we all like free...)
November 29, 2005
Skype Video - a bet
Expect Skype Video within a few days... [more links + info in article]
November 23, 2005
What is Skypito?
I just checked the London Skype Night page for the meet-up next week, and one of the sponsors was not only new to me, but gave
zero hits(!) in Google. Rare, I thought, for a gold sponsor of Skype, so I dug out this information for your reading benefit: [...]
November 17, 2005
Everyone wants to video chat
Sony Corp. on Wednesday announced a free Internet-based phone service similar to the popular computer-to-computer calling provided by Skype, but with an emphasis on video conferencing. [...]
November 15, 2005
SkypeIn expands to Germany
[...] To obtain a german SkypeIn number one needs to identify oneself and provide proof of a German address. As opposed to SkypeIn purchases for other cuontries (where, e.g. for France, a self-declaration is necessary) one can also not choose a phone number until the identification process has been completed. [...]
November 03, 2005
Fresh gossip about Skype Video
There is some fresh gossip about the upcoming Skype Video available. Look for a beta later in November...
October 26, 2005
How can I record a Skype call to mp3?
There is bound to be a free and easy solution to this question around the corner, but in the meantime, here are some options you have for recording a Skype call to an mp3 file (say, for example, if you you're pod casting or jamming music with your long-distance friends etc): [...]
September 16, 2005
Skype for small and medium sized businesses - SkypeGroups
Skype has just released 'Skype Groups' - a way for a small businesses, NGOs, families etc to administer their Skype costs: [...]
September 14, 2005
Carrier-grade Skype-filter
'[VoIP] calls typically run through multiple carriers' IP networks and consume large amounts of bandwidth. This traffic runs outside the traditional carrier revenue generation models and is therefore highly undesirable for them.' [...]
July 27, 2005
Worldwide toll-free numbers now free on Skype
... or why Skype totally rocks!