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August 22, 2008
What people believe in depends on where they're born
science evolves and scientists of the (whole) world generally update their knowledge while religion is highly regional and individuals' beliefs depending mostly on where they were born: [...]
February 27, 2007
A couple of good reads
''Britain's new cultural divide is not between Christian and Muslim, Hindu and Jew. It is between those who have faith and those who do not.''
February 12, 2007
Happy Darwin Day!
It appears today is Darwin's birthday, so happy Darwin Day to you all :-)
December 06, 2006
Xmas specials
Yuletide is approaching, and this has significance for believers in a number of religions, as well as for all those of us who enjoy time off and a stint of gift giving with our friends and families. Here are a couple of Xmas classics for the benefit of new readers: [...]
March 21, 2006
Anglican archibishop says: 'I think creationism is ... a kind of category mistake'
Picking up on the Creationism / intelligent design debate, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has entered the debate between scientists and religious fundamentalists, stating that he does not believe that creationism - the Bible-based account of the origins of the world - should be taught in schools.
February 28, 2006
More on the cartoon debacle
Dave Murray writes: 'Where Holland has gone, Britain and the rest of Europe are following. The silencing happens bit by bit. [...]'
February 07, 2006
Laïcité in Norway?
There's an interesting article in Aftenposten (in Norwegian only) today about freedom of speech and the recent cartoon issue: [...]
December 17, 2004
Are Christmas trees religious symbols?
As some outpost in Pasco County, Florida is currently banning Christmas trees from public buildings in an effort to rid themselves of religious connotations, there is a more fundamental question to be answered: since there is no mention of Christmas trees in the Bible; are they Christian symbols? (or are they religious symbols at all?)
November 22, 2004
On eVoting without a paper trail & the new importance of statistics
''Public discussion of changing voting technology raised concern that some forms of electronic voting might produce a discrepancy between voters’ intentions and tabulations of the election’s outcome. In particular, touch-screen voting machines were criticized for being unverifiable unless they printed out a hard copy that voters could certify as correct and election officials could keep in case a recount was ordered.
Without a paper trail, statistical comparisons of jurisdictions that used e-voting are the only tool available to diagnose problems with the new technology. [...]''
November 16, 2004
SpyBlog discovers interesting inconsistencies in UK Home Office's statements
The SpyBlog keeps a watchful eye on the UK government. A recent post discovers something quite interesting in the mixed official messages about the recent confiscation of independent, international media outlet Indymedia's UK servers: [...]
UK catching up on the smoking ban front
The British Government has released a white paper on benefits of implementing a smoking ban in public places to combat the risks of tobacco smoking. [...]
November 03, 2004
On daring to be different in Norway
Many foreign countries embrace the fact that kids have different abilities in different subjects; some being sports-talents and getting extra attention for that, others being intellectually stronger and getting their thirst for knowledge quenched in special schools or separate classes. In Norway, being different is bad. [...]
November 02, 2004
A note to our American readers: I don't care whether you vote for Bush or Kerry - whatever you do: VOTE. Prove that the US actually is a democracy where people care. Vote!
November 01, 2004
Open source e-voting
Why is it so hard to get e-voting right? (loads of links attached)
August 31, 2004
The French Laïcité is being held hostage
In the news: France refuses to remove their ban on conspicuous religious symbols in schools despite demands from Islamist extremists holding two French hostages in Iraq. The French idea of 'laïcité' is a fundament of the modern democratic republic of France: [...]
July 29, 2004
Racism... or not?
My local council has sent me a pretty thorough questionnaire including questions about colour/ethnicity. In this blog post I'm asking questions around: But it all brings me back to my question above: I can see how (maybe slightly naïvely?) they want to make statistics to prove they're not discriminating; but isn't not knowing this better? Isn't not knowing whether I'm a slightly sunburned Scandinavian or a Caribbean the best way to take my provided opinion (on the distributed survey) at face value and overlook things as trivial as my ethnicity?
June 14, 2004
David Aaronovitch: ''Religion and education don't mix''
''[...] The trick would be to get a genuine discussion in all schools about culture, ethics, politics and citizenship, a discussion founded in respect for other views. [...]''
June 03, 2004
Mercury and the environment
Great cartoon about Mecrury (and the Bush government's inconstant politics on the area)
May 17, 2004
All the words and phrases that McDonald's™©® has registered, trademarked or patented.
Sieg Coke?
Apparently, there used to be a big link between Coca-Cola and the Nazis in the years running up to World War II. Watch out for this exhibition in London end of May!
May 11, 2004
European expansion
''18 Things the European Union Needs In Addition To Love''
April 30, 2004
Something I wonder about
A tidbit: according to the mullah's and Shabana's religious beliefs, contact between unmarried men and women is prohibited. In Norway it is not. When the mullah is threatening to sue Shabana - will Islamic laws enter the Norwegian courthouses?
March 23, 2004
Feminists that can't take a joke
Feminists that can't take a joke damage their own cause: Virgin Atlantic was planning to fit some funky, fun urinals at their new 'clubhouse' (that's their business class / frequent flyer lounge) at JFK airport, but the ever-vigilant National organization of Women (NOW.org) put an end to it. [...]
February 23, 2004
The Stella Awards
The Stella Awards were inspired by Stella Liebeck. In 1992, Stella, then 79, spilled a cup of McDonald's coffee onto her lap, burning herself. A New Mexico jury awarded her $2.9 million in damages [...]
A wake up call in the morning
''A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by [UK Newspaper] The Observer, warns that [...] abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. ''
September 22, 2003
Religion versus the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence
''[...]Suppose, then, that E.T. is far ahead of us not only scientifically and technologically but spiritually, too. Where does that leave mankind's presumed special relationship with God? This conundrum poses a particular difficulty for Christians, because of the unique nature of the Incarnation. Of all the world's major religions, Christianity is the most species-specific. Jesus Christ was humanity's savior and redeemer. He did not die for the dolphins or the gorillas, and certainly not for the proverbial little green men.[...]''
September 18, 2003
1st place at the Fellowship Baptist Creation Science Fair 2001
WHAT? ''The bacteria cultures were divided into two groups, one group (A) received prayer while the other (B) didn't.''
July 23, 2003
Doing some American field studies...
I'm off to Houston, Texas, tomorrow morning to go to my friends wedding. Time to dig out a cowboy hat and snake skin boots...?
May 28, 2003
"The NTH Ring"
Abroad, several people have asked me about nature of the single piece of jewellery I wear. This blog entry contains excerpts of the interesting history of the NTH Ring + an illustration.
April 08, 2003
Jonathon Delacour on whale hunting
Jonathon Delacour has a very well written article worth reading for anyone willing to at least reconsider their position on whaling.
March 26, 2003
Michael Moore on the fictitious times we live in
''[...] we live in fictitious times. We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons [...]''
March 20, 2003
The world at war
You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy,
the best golfer is a black guy,
France is accusing the US of arrogance and
Germany doesn't want to go to war...
March 05, 2003
Freedom of T-shirt slogans
Shocking: ''A man has been charged with trespassing in a US shopping centre because staff objected to his T-shirt. It carried the slogans Peace On Earth and Give Peace A Chance.'' (updated)
September 04, 2002
Mixed reactions on my "niggardly"-posting
After I wrote the posting about the controversial word ''niggardly'' last night, I must admit I expected at least some mild flaming... So far, four people have voiced their opinions (and diverging they are as well :-)
September 03, 2002
American Political Correctness & the word "Niggardly"
I like to explore etymology. I've also been meaning to write something about American Political Over-correctness in my blog. Today I got the chance to combine the two... Introducing the word 'niggardly'.
August 22, 2002
Scary but important
Five days before 9/11, the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet reported that 65% of the country's rapes were committed by "non-Western" immigrants -- a category which, in Norway, is almost wholly Muslim. A professor at the University of Oslo explained that one reason for the disproportionate Muslim share of the rape market was that in their native lands "rape is scarcely punished" because it is generally believed that "it is women who are responsible for rape."
August 15, 2002
A new approach on security
''To halt attacks once they start, security measures must avoid being subject to single points of failure. Computer networks are particularly vulnerable: once hackers bypass the firewall, the whole system is often open for exploitation.''