www.jacobsen.no / anders / blog / Web Links Archives

August 07, 2008

links for 2008-08-06 [delicious.com]

Charlie Brooker on Dawkins' Darwin TV show Since Darwin's death, Dawkins points out, the evidence confirming his discovery has piled up and up and up, [...]. And yet heroically,... MORE...

August 05, 2008

links for 2008-08-04 [delicious.com]

WordPress › Monotone theme Clever photoblog theme that changes colours based on the photo displayed. (tags: wordpress photo blogs) Photo blog, wordpress themefrom WP Glamour Pretty good looking WP... MORE...

June 18, 2008

links for 2008-06-18

Why You Should Download Firefox 3 Right Now Webmonkey summarizes the benefits of new Firefox 3 (tags: web firefox) Help Firefox Set a World Record Mozilla aims for new... MORE...

June 04, 2008

links for 2008-06-04

The day the music died [dive into mark] Why Microsoft's "PlaysForSure" is about to stop playing (tags: music, DRM)... MORE...

April 09, 2008

links for 2008-04-09

Sam Harris: What Barack Obama Could Not (and Should Not) Say Very interesting and to the point about religion in the US today (tags: religion politics atheism) Christopher Hitchens... MORE...

April 01, 2008

links for 2008-04-01

Reports of voting irregularities in Norway over OOXML standard approval (tags: microsoft standards technology openoffice Norway ooxml) OOXML approved as international standard? The Register reports on the debate following... MORE...

March 19, 2008

links for 2008-03-19

Phatch a good-looking multiplatform batch photo editor (Windows, Linux and Mac) (tags: linux opensource photo software)... MORE...

March 05, 2008

links for 2008-03-05

Useful list of Wordpress plugins (tags: wordpress blogs)... MORE...

February 29, 2008

links for 2008-02-29

It’s Pronounced Dow Aaron Toponce aka John Dough beats "the system" (tags: hack privacy) Unintentionally funny product names (tags: fun funny)... MORE...

February 26, 2008

links for 2008-02-26

Can an enterprise be completely supported by open source? (tags: opensource technology ubuntu openoffice)... MORE...

February 22, 2008

links for 2008-02-22

Shamed 'alternative medicine' quack silences web critic | The Register Quackometer, run by Oxfordshire IT worker Andy Lewis, was shuttered by ISP Netcetera on Monday following threats to sue... MORE...

February 21, 2008

links for 2008-02-21

Open source software free, open source solutions to most of your "I want to..."s (tags: opensource software windows linux) Baby Bible Bashers davblog points out a show I must... MORE...

February 15, 2008

links for 2008-02-15

Apparently people are still being convicted for 'witchcraft' in 2008! Rather shocking and tragic story from Saudi Arabia. (tags: religion science) Human rights group pleads for condemned Saudi 'witch'... MORE...

February 05, 2008

links for 2008-02-05

French police switches from Win XP to Ubuntu Interesting and forward-looking (tags: ubuntu windows) Presentation Load VERY pretty MS Powerpoint templates for sale. I wonder if they're compatible with... MORE...

October 24, 2007

links for 2007-10-24

Amersham Arms Recently opened music venue / pub / restaurant in front of New Cross station (tags: London se14 music) TimeOut: Amersham Arms Relaunch Weekender The Deptford Triangle is... MORE...

September 06, 2007

links for 2007-09-06

Goats sacrificed to fix Nepal jet - BBC News When the airline engineers start slaughtering goats instead of fixing the planes, I want to get off the plane... (tags:... MORE...

September 05, 2007

links for 2007-09-05

Windows Is 'Free' The impact of pirated software on free software (tags: windows linux) Weather of the world in september handy for holiday planning (tags: weather travel)... MORE...

March 08, 2007

links for 2007-03-08

Free software for almost anything (tags: opensource) Why don't CIOs become CEOs? interesting question (tags: business technology) The Joy of Flying (davblog) I fly almost every week and yes... MORE...

February 23, 2007

links for 2007-02-23

WPA wireless just works in Ubuntu 7.04 (tags: ubuntu wireless linux) Wired News: Web Startups Reboot 'London 2.0' (tags: london technology)... MORE...

February 20, 2007

links for 2007-02-20

Find Hardware Specs (Details) on your Computer Handy tool, incl HTML file generation with hardware summary (tags: ubuntu hardware linux) Move /home to it’s own partition Since the “/home”... MORE...

February 19, 2007

links for 2007-02-18

Oscartorrents.com - the latest from the Pirate Bay guys "OSCARTORRENTS®, and the OSCAR THE PIRATE® statuette design mark are the unregistered marks of no one in particular. No ©2007.... MORE...

February 18, 2007

links for 2007-02-17

del.icio.us firefox extension Integrate del.icio.us tagging into Firefox with this extension. Works fine on Firefox on Ubuntu (tags: firefox delicious) Offloading HDTV playback to the nVidia graphics drivers... MORE...

October 12, 2005

How can I donate to earthquake disaster victims?

Check out Eliot's post here for instructions on how to get our money to the right hands (and for information on where you can donate some money yourself too!). I'll match his donations dollar by dollar. MORE...

September 19, 2005

Handy collections of freephone numbers

After Skype introduced free calls to some countries' toll free number series, I've collected a few handy numbers for future reference. Nothing beats letting Skype do the phone queue when your airline's on strike... MORE...

April 29, 2005

Lifehack snippets

Miscellaneous handy links seen at LifeHacker.com MORE...

March 08, 2005

'Extranet' planning/communication tools

I came aross BaseCamp today - it's an online planning / milestone / communication tool for projects across companies, teams etc. Very neat. However - are there alternatives in the open source world that can be run on own servers instead of having to subscribe to a managed service? MORE...

May 24, 2004

Really free clip-art and images

Completely free clip art and high resolution images. Why not? MORE...