Since the launch of this site, numerous people have stopped by, and some have written up comments in their own blogs:
The Book Review repository is my new favourite link. It's an excellent use of the MT Trackback facility. [...] So, if you are an MT user, and you read books and talk about them on your site, use trackback to let others know about it!
its a super cool idea if you post book reviews to your site; you can ping the various categories and then lots of people will have access to the information
and last but not least, first beta-tester eliot landrum is happy:
I immediatly loaded the URL in Opera and was very impressed. Anders' Book Reviews Repository is the best use of TrackBack that I've seen!
We're now also listed in the Open Directory Project ( in the following category: Arts: Literature: Reviews and Criticism: Reader-Submitted.
Keep the reviews coming & feel free to link to the first page or a sub-category-archive; it's great so see the site develop "organically"! (and of course - if we all send some visitors to this site, more people will read our book reviews ;-)
I like to read, and so, it seems, does a lot of fellow bloggers. Merging this idea with the "TrackBack" concept provided by Movable Type, and voila: the idea of a Book Review site was born.
This site provides bloggers that are using a "Trackback"-enabled publishing tool (like Movable Type) an opportunity to publish a link to their book-reviews. Simply find the appropriate category and ping the associated URL and your review will receive a link from those pages. The TrackBack-URL can be found on the respective pages.
I've created an initial set of categories. I'm flexible with respect to extending this list; please post a comment and I'll see what I can do :-)
It seems like MT doesn't necessarily always regenerate all the sub-category homepages after a ping. If you ping and don't see your review right away, don't worry: your review is in the database and will show up as soon as the site is regenerated (as soon as I see that someone has pinged...)
I will not tolerate "spamming" - posting to two categories maximum per review should be sufficient for most people. Exceptions will be reviewed individually. Please also make sure that what you post is a review not just a link to your reseller account at amazon. I don't mind if you link to amazon from your review, but I do mind if you don't write any content yourself.
If you're just playing around, thanks for posting to the "Various test pings" category to avoid polluting the other categories. Thanks.
I hope that people who already have written reviews will take some time and go back and ping - this is after all a mutual benefit: this site will increase the number of reviews while you'll be getting new readers :-)
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!
- andersja