August 08, 2002
Born from a love of books...

I like to read, and so, it seems, does a lot of fellow bloggers. Merging this idea with the "TrackBack" concept provided by Movable Type, and voila: the idea of a Book Review site was born.

This site provides bloggers that are using a "Trackback"-enabled publishing tool (like Movable Type) an opportunity to publish a link to their book-reviews. Simply find the appropriate category and ping the associated URL and your review will receive a link from those pages. The TrackBack-URL can be found on the respective pages.

I've created an initial set of categories. I'm flexible with respect to extending this list; please post a comment and I'll see what I can do :-)

It seems like MT doesn't necessarily always regenerate all the sub-category homepages after a ping. If you ping and don't see your review right away, don't worry: your review is in the database and will show up as soon as the site is regenerated (as soon as I see that someone has pinged...)

I will not tolerate "spamming" - posting to two categories maximum per review should be sufficient for most people. Exceptions will be reviewed individually. Please also make sure that what you post is a review not just a link to your reseller account at amazon. I don't mind if you link to amazon from your review, but I do mind if you don't write any content yourself.

If you're just playing around, thanks for posting to the "Various test pings" category to avoid polluting the other categories. Thanks.

I hope that people who already have written reviews will take some time and go back and ping - this is after all a mutual benefit: this site will increase the number of reviews while you'll be getting new readers :-)

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!

- andersja

Posted by andersja at August 08, 2002 12:19 AM | TrackBack | Category: About This Site

How about some sub-categories for the literature section? Amazon has some nice sub-categories for that group...

Posted by: eliot on August 14, 2002 09:35 AM
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