www.jacobsen.no / books / Health, Mind & Body
Digital Audiobooks Come of Age...and Into Our Pockets.
I tried a free audio book on my pda after downloading it from audible.com (search for: Harvard Health Letter, July 2001; this edition is free). I was very enthusiastic. As always I looked on the internet for better audio bookstores, but did not find an... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-03-22 19:49

If it's natural you want, serious disease is one of the most natural of all.
Medical Rants quoted a story out of the New York Times about some erroneous believes that "natural" is better. That story stated that Vitamins are as natural or as synthetic as any Drug, Herbs are not always gentle, effective or safe and finally that a... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-03-25 22:08

Linked: The New Science of Networks.
After finishing Linked, I got more intrigued in networks and the applications everywhere around us. Especially the application in neurology, epidemiology and Internet traffic interested me. A lot of the statistics applied in epidemiology use the concep... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-03-31 13:58

How to Choose a Medical Specialty.
If you don't know what kind of physician you want to be or you want to be sure that you chose the right medical field: This site is designed to help medical students choose a medical specialty. You will be asked to rate your tendencies compared to the ... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-03-31 16:58

How We Know What Isn't So.
It ain't so much the things we don't know that get us into trouble. It's the things we know that just ain't so. (Artemus Ward) This statement covers the heart of the matter what is described in the following book. I read it with much joy and recommend ... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-03-31 17:03

Our Stolen Future.
Webite with more background on my posting last Tuesday: Plastics spoil mouse eggs. Our Stolen Future is a scientific detective story that explores the emerging science of endocrine disruption: how some synthetic chemicals interfere with the ways that h... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-04-06 22:48

The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine.
Nu de mogelijkheden van de geneeskunde zoveel groter zijn dan vijftig jaar geleden, is het optimisme dat gecreëerd werd door de vooruitgang van de geneeskunde tegenwoordig ver te zoeken. Dit boek beschrijft in een mix van wetenschap, filosofie en polit... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-05-09 22:44

The billion-dollar molecule.
one company's quest for the perfect drug Een zeer boeiend verhaal, dat meer gemeen heeft met een John Grisham dan met een boekdeel over medische wetenschap. Fascinerend....aangrijpend.....een absolute must voor iedereen die nieuwsgierig is hoe het er a... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-05-09 23:47

Mind Maps in Medicine.
Revolutionair nieuw boek. Gebaseerd op T. Buzan methode van Mind Maps. Ideale methode om complexe materie duidelijk en overzichtelijk met onderlinge relacties tussen verschillende concepten in een oogopslag voor je te hebben. Zo wordt de onderlinge sam... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-05-10 12:41

The House of God.
Book Description: Now a classic! The hilarious novel of the healing arts that reveals everything your doctor never wanted you to know. Six eager interns -- they saw themselves as modern saviors-to-be. They came from the top of their medical school clas... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-05-10 12:47

Beschrijving: Iedereen heeft weleens in een flow gezeten: we voelen ons sterk, alert, verrichten moeiteloos ons werk, we hebben het gevoel de situatie volledig meester te zijn en op de top van ons kunnen te presteren. Zowel ons tijdsbesef als onze prob... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-05-10 12:55

Global Brain.
The Evolution Of The Mass Mind From The Big Bang To The 21st Century Beschrijving: Dit boek zet de huidige inzichten van de evolutietheorie op zijn kop. Howard combineert vele vakgebieden tot een allesomvattende theorie. "> " align="left" border="0" hs... MORE »
posted in Obels.net Medical Weblog 2003-05-10 13:01

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Health, Mind & Body

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Posted by andersja | Permanent link | Health, Mind & Body

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