www.jacobsen.no / books / History
In Harm's Way by Doug Stanton
As Tom Brokaw is quoted on the front "..a stunning book." Stanton blends facts with excellent story-telling to create an MORE »
posted in blended perspectives 2002-08-08 16:48

The Gifts of the Jews by Thomas Cahill
The topic really intrigued me: Thomas Cahill, the author, was supposed to “reveal the changes in thinking [by the Jews] MORE »
posted in blended perspectives 2002-08-12 21:03

Russian Silhouettes
Je viens juste de terminer un livre très intéressant. Pour ceux qui cherchent un cadeau à offrir à un MORE »
posted in The Maelström 2002-10-20 20:20

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This is the section for History book reviews. To post your reviews to this category, please do the following:
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  • If you don't use MT, hang on tight - I'll try to create a form or something for you to use...
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Posted by andersja | Permanent link | History

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