www.jacobsen.no /
books /
Outrageous Chinese
I bought Outrageous Chinese: A Guide to Chinese Street Language by James J. Wong yesterday at Borders with Jordan. It has got to be the funniest Chinese language book I've ever read. It's basically a brief guide to Chinese slang, most of which deals wi...
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johnwb.com 2002-08-18 23:56
No Jeffersonian Wall
New scholarly research shows that Thomas Jefferson never intended to create a "wall of separation." Daniel L. Dreisbach's new
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-07 06:58
All Consuming
I just discovered the All Consuming web site today...
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-07 07:11
All Consuming
I just discovered the All Consuming web site today...
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-08 19:57
Remnant Debuts at No. 1
The Remnant debuted at No. 1 on the hardcover fiction bestseller list of the New York Times.
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-08 21:16
I've started a new Bookshelf page to keep track of what I'm currently reading and let other people know
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-09 01:43
One Step Closer...
Our world is one step closer to a Brave New World. A woman claims she is 8 months pregnant with
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-09 01:50
LaHaye's Harvest
Tim LaHaye may be the most successful Christian author of the last decade. Probably one of the top grossing Christian
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-09 03:42
Big Brother is Watching
George Orwell was just off by 18 years when he wrote 1984. Have the American sheople become too accepting of
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-09 05:01
Founders' Words
The Founders', in their own words. ..
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-11 04:48
Nowhere is Anywhere
In a book about a cracker named Phate we see the frightening actions of someone who thinks he is
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 21:51
Logan's Run
I guess the movie Logan's Run was prophetic. Since when did we have a "duty to die?" Seems like
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 22:03
Important News of 2001
If you don't read WorldNetDaily, you probably missed ten of the most important stories of 2001. These 10 stories were
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 22:14
Lord of the Oscars
Lord of the Rings tops the Oscar nominations. It's great to see a movie based on Christian values coming out
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 22:20
Good Press
Bernard Goldberg's book, Bias, is finally getting some recognition from the liberal media. It's a New York Times bestseller, but
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 22:25
When Hell Freezes Over
Bernard Goldberg exposes how the media distorts the news
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 22:28
Middle East Conflict
Are we living in the end times? Some people are looking at the current conflict in Israel and they say
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 22:43
What I'm Reading
As I mentioned before, I'm currently reading Bernard Goldberg's Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 22:51
More Media Bias
Nina Totenberg is one reporter I love to hate. When she broke the so-called news about Clarence Thomas supposedly
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-13 22:54
Frodo Baggins Birthday
Today is Frodo Baggins birthday. Born 22 September III 2968, passed over the Sea 29 September III 3021 (1368-1421
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-24 16:13
Bear and Dragon Released
I released a book into the wild today. I bought and read, The Bear and the Dragon when it
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-24 21:22
Hanibal Escapes!
Well, he didn't actually escape. I set free the book Hanibal in Greenville, SC tonight. I also set free
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The Trommetter Times 2002-09-27 03:42
Desert Bones
I started reading House Corrino today, and I immediately got caught up in the world of Dune again.
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-02 05:27
Today in fiction
Mia Thermopolis is informed her father is the Prince of Genovia. And, a little later in the day, that
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-03 00:30
Robinson Crusoe Arrives
On Sept. 30, 1659, Robinson Crusoe comes ashore on an island after being shipwrecked. —"Robinson Crusoe" (1719) by Daniel Defoe
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-13 01:37
Dune Politics
It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leaders without question. Politics
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-14 16:40
Bookcrossing Zone
I've turned my cube into an "official" Bookcrossing Zone. I bought a poster from CafePress.com and hung it in my
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-23 04:31
Bookcrossing Zone
I've turned my cube into an "official" Bookcrossing Zone. I bought a poster from CafePress.com and hung it in
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-23 04:46
Bookcrossing Success
I had two guys come by my cube today and say, "Free books!? Are they really free?" One of them
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-23 23:15
Dune Again
I just finished reading Dune: House Corrino. It reveals a lot about the politics of the Empire just before the
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-25 17:40
Today in fiction
On Oct. 29, Rosemary finds out she is pregnant. —Rosemary's Baby (1967) by Ira Levin From The Book of Fictional
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The Trommetter Times 2002-10-30 03:07
Today in fiction
On Nov. 4, Alice goes through the Looking-Glass. — Through the Looking-Glass (1872) by Lewis Carroll
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The Trommetter Times 2002-11-04 16:58
Today in Fiction
On Nov. 5, 1867, Ned Land first sees the Nautilus. — Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870) by
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The Trommetter Times 2002-11-05 17:17
Today in Fiction
On Nov. 6, Count Dracula perishes under the knives of Jonathan Harker and Quincey Morris.
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The Trommetter Times 2002-11-06 20:55
New Bookcrossings
I've made three new books available on my Book Crossing Bookshelf at work: A murder mystery in the midst
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The Trommetter Times 2002-11-14 15:10
New Bookcrossings
I've made three new books available on my Book Crossing Bookshelf at work: A murder mystery in the midst
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The Trommetter Times 2002-11-14 15:59
Today in Fiction
Nov. 20, 1861: Date of Amy Curtis March's will. Little Women (1868)by Louisa May Alcott From The Book of Fictional
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The Trommetter Times 2002-11-21 04:44
Today in Fiction
Nov. 20, 1861: Date of Amy Curtis March's will. Little Women (1868)by Louisa May Alcott From The Book of Fictional
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The Trommetter Times 2002-11-25 16:08
Today in Fiction
December 1, 1887: Sherlock Holmes appears in print for the first time in Study in Scarlet Edited with Composite
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The Trommetter Times 2002-12-02 04:51
Advent Book
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The Trommetter Times 2002-12-09 19:57
An Unusual Book
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom:book: is an unusual book for several reasons. First, it turns the entire
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The Trommetter Times 2003-02-04 17:13
An Unusual Book
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom:book: is an unusual book for several reasons. First, it turns the entire
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The Trommetter Times 2003-02-04 17:13
Book Review - The Art of Deception
I wanted to enjoy The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security. I really did. The teaser for the book sounds good:
A legendary hacker reveals how to guard against the gravest security risk of all - human nature. Human natur...
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John's Jottings 2003-02-05 05:20
Today in Fiction
On Feb. 18, Kay and Benton put a ghost to rest at Victoria Station. Unnatural Exposure:book: by Patricia Cornwell
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The Trommetter Times 2003-02-19 15:04
Today in Fiction
On March 5, at the ruins of Isengard, Merry and Pippin describe their adventure with the Orcs. —The Two Towers:book:By
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The Trommetter Times 2003-03-05 21:46
Today in Fiction
On March 5, at the ruins of Isengard, Merry and Pippin describe their adventure with the Orcs.
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The Trommetter Times 2003-03-05 22:32
Book Review - Dice Angel
I give Dice Angel 4/5 stars. Fun, simple read written by a local who knows Vegas and has a knack for good dialog. Only downside was not enough craps!
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John's Jottings 2003-03-14 03:41
Book Review - The Counter
I give The Counter, by Kevin Blackwood, 4/5 stars. A top blackjack player and card counter, Blackwood has written a brilliant debut novel that sucks you into the world of a card counter and doesn't let you go until it spits you out in the final satisf...
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John's Jottings 2003-03-28 05:31
Book Review - Live From New York
"Live from New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live" offers an impressive array of viewpoints into the inner workings of arguably the most influential television show of the last 30 years...
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John's Jottings 2003-04-05 15:20
Book Review - Prey: A Novel
In "Prey: A Novel" author Michael Crichton moves away from the huge dinosaurs of "Jurassic Park" or the large primates of "Congo" to take us into the relatively new science of nanotechnology.....
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John's Jottings 2003-04-05 15:21
As a Novel Rises Quickly, Book Industry Takes Note New York Times: "The success of The Da Vinci Code by...
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The Trommetter Times 2003-04-26 03:58
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(Tip of the day: set up category pings for your most common categories and create a Category ping for "Unsorted" only when you have reviews outside your usual categories)
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Posted by andersja |
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Anders Jacobsen 2002