www.jacobsen.no / books / Various Test Pings
The Analemma
(This is not a book review - just a test-ping) "Taking a picture of the analemma is a project requiring painstaking patience and attention to detail." MORE »
posted in andersja's blog 2002-08-08 16:17

Glimpses from The Edge by Dan Bruder
Review of Glimpses From The Edge MORE »
posted in 1stBooks 2002-11-08 16:50

Glimpses touted on News 12 New Jersey
Glimpses is gaining momentum as a moving collection of 24 short autobiog tales of the life of Dan Bruder as he navigates the channels of life growing up in New Jersey over the last 40 years. MORE »
posted in Bruder's Glimpses From The Edge 2003-01-10 15:19

Dan Bruder
LA Times Book Awards Announced for 2002 - ... the best first novel, called the Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction, honoring the late LA Times book editor and Book Prize founder ... Glimpses From The Edge MORE »
posted in Glimpses From The Edge 2003-01-10 15:25

Book Review - Prey: A Novel
0066214122 In 0066214122 author Michael Crichton moves away from the huge dinosaurs of Jurassic Park or the large primates of MORE »
posted in John's Jottings 2003-01-12 15:23

Book Review - Prey: A Novel
In "Prey: A Novel" author Michael Crichton moves away from the huge dinosaurs of "Jurassic Park" or the large primates of "Congo" to take us into the relatively new science of nanotechnology..... MORE »
posted in John's Jottings 2003-01-21 12:18

Oprah's Book Club
Through her book club, Oprah has selected 45 novels to share with her vast audience, and each time it has had a marked impact on the publishing world. Glimpses from The Edge as an example will soar to approximately 600,000 MORE »
posted in Oprah Cancels Book Club 2003-01-29 21:44

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Posted by andersja | Permanent link | Various Test Pings
Various Test Pings

This is the section for Test Pings. Thanks for testing using this category instead of to the regular categories. It reduces my work and limits your embarassment ;-) To post reviews to this site, please do the following:
  • If you are a Movable Type-user, please copy the below URL to the "URLs to Ping" when you create your entry
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(Tip of the day: set up category pings for your most common categories and create a Category ping for "Unsorted" only when you have reviews outside your usual categories)

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Posted by andersja | Permanent link | Various Test Pings

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