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Science Fiction
Mini review: Salmon of Doubt
Mini review: Salmon of Doubt (Douglas Adams) I just finished reading Douglas Adam's Salmon of Doubt on today's flight. Although
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andersja's blog 2002-08-07 21:08
Review: Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash
If you have no interests in computers what so ever, stay away - this book was unfortunately not written for you. If you are interested in an alternative outlook on what a '3D Internet' may look like in an alternative future, check it out...
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andersja's blog 2002-09-30 18:43
New Jedi Order
Je viens tout juste de terminer le 10e livre de la série New Jedi Order et je trouve cette
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The Maelström 2002-10-20 20:23
As Solaris was made into a new movie, I decided to read the book again before seeing the movie. I
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Reflective Surface 2002-12-28 01:19
The Man in the High Castle
The Man in the High Castle is one of the best books written by Philip K. Dick (the same author
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Reflective Surface 2003-01-17 01:31
Lord of Light
Although I already knew Roger Zelazny as one of the great names of fantasy and science fiction, I had never
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Reflective Surface 2003-01-23 01:33
The Door into Summer
The Door into Summer is a delightful book by Robert Heinlein, one of the great masters of Science Fiction. Written
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Reflective Surface 2003-01-28 00:29
The City and the Stars
A review of The City and the Starts, by Arthur Clarke, of the the best science fiction books of all times, and one of the most poetic visions of the future in literature.
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Reflective Surface 2003-04-20 21:57
A Canticle for Leibowitz
A review of A Canticle for Leibowitz, the grim Hugo-winning masterpiece of Walter M. Miller, Jr.
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Reflective Surface 2003-04-22 22:17
Childhood's End
A review of Childhood's End, by Arthur Clarke, one of classics of the Golden Age of Science Fiction, considered by many Clarke's masterpiece.
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Reflective Surface 2003-05-11 18:36
Mini-review: ''Down and out in the Magic Kingdom''
Whuffie: part monetary currency, part a human ''Google PageRank''; this ''reputation currency'' measures a citizen's popularity and respect from other people. [...]
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Anders Jacobsen's Blog 2003-05-13 23:11
About this site
Science-Fiction Reviews
This is the section for Science Fiction book reviews. To post your reviews to this category, please do the following:
"Spamming" the directory will not be accepted. I'm fairly liberal as to what consitutes a book review, but please select the appropriate category, and please submit only once. If you can't be bothered to set up multiple category-pings, please post to the "Unsorted" category. Thanks!
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Anders Jacobsen 2002